As a believer, I find it difficult if not impossible for nonbelievers to be capable of respecting a truce or having civil discussions because they dont have any values. The believe their very existance happened by chance so they dont even respect themselves.
Theocratic Sedition
JoinedPosts by Theocratic Sedition
A truce between Atheists and Non-Atheists?
by palmtree67 inricky gervais tweeted this 11/14/12 and i totally agree with it:.
"there are good atheists and bad atheists.
there are good believers and bad believers.. no god has ever changed that.".
Jonathan Holt trial set for 2014
by Iamallcool innovember 15, 2012 - 4:46 pmjonathan holt trial set for 2014reported by: portland tribuneprint storypublished: 12:17 pmshare imagesthe man accused in the murder of 21-year-old whitney heichel last week admitted to authorities that he shot her to death with a handgun and dumped her body on larch mountain, according to court documents unsealed monday.
jonathan daniel holt, 24, was arraigned in clackamas county circuit court monday.
(pool video)related linksread this article in the portland tribunecourt docs: jonathan holt confessed to killing whitney heicheljonathan holt, murder suspect, attended same church as whitney heichelfamily, friends hold public memorial for whitney heichelholt indicted by clackamas county grand jurymedical examiner: whitney heichel died of 'multiple gunshot wounds'police make arrest in murder of whitney heichelwife of jonathan holt files for divorcepolice report: heichel murder suspect stole friends car, went missing in 2011by kristopher anderson.
Theocratic Sedition
Call me crazy, but I honestly thought he was gonna plead guilty. The way he was sobbing and carrying on led me to believe his conscience was getting the better of him. I was thinking the typical JW personality that excessively worries about giving the organization a bad reputation, was going to cause him to plead guilty especially after having already confessed. Not to mention all of this media scrutiny, and the heartache to all the families involved including his own. I guess you really never know what goes on in someone's head.
Interesting quotes from the Feb 15th Watchtower (it's not a cult at all, honest!)...
by cedars inwell it's the 15th today, so i thought i'd check to see whether the feb 15th watchtower has been uploaded yet... and sure enough it has.. here is the link to the pdf....
i've breezed through it and noticed that it is littered with odd stuff that would scream "cult!
" to an outsider, but which your average indoctrinated jw will just lap up as always.. here is my pick of the quotes.... the first article, entitled "this is our spiritual heritage" gives a very flattering whistle-stop tour of the history of god's organization - from abraham to tynedale to rutherford (bypassing russell altogether) before explaining that nothing will ever thwart jehovah's purposes.
Theocratic Sedition
Oh the irony of them stating that people clinging to false doctrines such as the Trinity or immortality of the soul cannot benefit from the ransom provision. I guess all the people that lived and then died clinging to WT doctrine that had to be changed due to new light don't benefit from the ransom provision either. Your great aunt Bertha decided to get a kidney transplant in 1961 going against the WT's doctrine on organ transplants at that time? She arrogantly didn't view it as cannibalism? She's likely in the lake of fire for making such a brazen decision. What's that? You're father believed in the "this generation" teaching as it stood prior to 95" and then died? He probably won't be resurrected for clinging to such an erroneous teaching.
Neighborhood doesn't want new kh there
by Left in the Cold in,0,5339745.column.
the story is mostly about a neighborhood in indianapolis fighting to keep a kh from being built in their neighborhood, but as is common, the entertainment is in the comments below the article.
i thought i'd share.
Theocratic Sedition
"I remember once being at the Speedway gas station at 75th/SR 37, pumping gas and minding my own business. I was taking in my surrounding when I noticed a young lady (maybe 22), long dress, brown curly hair, and very pretty standing on the curb near the door. She was looking around.
I went about looking at the pump and looking around when I looked back at her and she was looking directly at me. Again, I went to looking at the pump and then back around and when next I looked at her, she was walking in my direction looking right at me.
My first thought was "Who the heyell is this and WTH does she want?" She approached me, somewhat apprehensive, and asked if I could use some prayer (or something like that) She handed me that JW B.S. pamphlets chatted it up a bit, and left.
It left me with an impression of JWs and that was..."Man if I could, I'd hit that in a heart beat!"
lol...that was one mighty fine looking JW girl! Seriously...she was HOT!"classic.
Have to say the residents threatening to move out over this potential KH are selling wolf tickets.
Theocratic Sedition
lol Rubbermallet!
Theocratic Sedition
Danny Boyle, Coen Brothers, Sergio Leone, Martin Scorsese, Tarantino, Clint Eastwood, Ridley Scott(lost some points after that Poopmetheus travesty), Antoine Fuqua, and Orson Welles who might have had the greatest mind related to entertainment to ever walk this planet.
Dirty little secret of mine, Andrew Blake was my favorite director during my high school years and a year or two after graduating.
St Pierre vs Condit [Canada Vs USA] Who Is Going To Win?
by Scott77 inits all about ufc: ultimate fighting championship.
Theocratic Sedition
They need to make Silva vs St.Pierre happen but I fear its gonna go the same way as Mayweather and Pacquiao.
Theocratic Sedition
Oh how I wish my mustache would grow like that or how the Mexican's staches grow!
Theocratic Sedition
I liked his thoughts on Christians being sick herd animals not content to keep their unhealthy attitudes to themselves. Rather they wish to spread their disease to the healthy in an attempt to level the playing field. Thats evident within JWs as the WT teaches that its presumptuous, that it demonstrates a lack of faith when someone seeks to better oneself. Hence their stance on so called higher education. The manner which JW born-ins have had their wings clipped can be likened to aspirational genocide.
Why is the Harlot not in the lake of Fire?
by rhodesboy inwill you receive your soul as a spoil?.
18 we need to remember that what jehovah has promised as a spoil is our soul.
even if a few of hisservants perish in the persecution that may come during the great tribulation when the political horns of the wild beast turn against religion, those faithful ones will not really have lost out.
Theocratic Sedition
It took them 93 years to throw Russel under the bus, imagine how long it will take them to revise their doctrine on Babylon the Great.